Report on National Librarian’s Day
National Librarian’s Day Celebrated on 12th
August 2023 on the occasion of
Birth Anniversary of Dr. S.R. Rangathan, Father of Library and information Science.
The Programme Commenced at 11.00am with Welcome Speech
by Veena Fadnis (BLS.LLB fourth Year Student) and Pushpa (B. Ed First year
The Lighting of Lamp was done by Rupali Jamode Madam
(Principal, OCL), Dr. Sangeeta Nath Madam (Principal OCE), and Dr. Prakash
Deshmukh Sir). Followed by University song and Felicitation of all the Honorable
dignitaries and Librarians.
On Account of National Librarian’s Day, Speech was
given by Librarian Mrs. Kalpana Gaikwad Madam, OCL, Librarian Mr. Salim Dhanse
OCE, Principal Rupali Jamode Madam.
Further, A debate competition was organized for the
Students of OCL and OCE department. 1st Prize was secured by Mahi
Raikwar from (OCL Department)
and 1st prize was secured by Shilpa Tripathi from (OCE department.)
After the completion of Debate competition, vote of
Thanks was Proposed by Asst.Prof. Vinit Pareek.
The Event was concluded with the National Anthem.
All the Faculty Members, Librarians, Non-Teaching
Staff and Students who were present for the celebration made the Programmer